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did you get the bathtub ending? the bathtub ending was my favorite!

Coming back to this game sometimes, it makes me think about something, not even puzzles, something more... Always loved your works, pitts, they are so abstract

It's a game where you shift little men around

i'm bad at using my brain so puzzle games are a bit frustrating for me but this was pretty fun. it sets a very particular mood without saying anything and keeps it all the way through. it definitely reminded me of yume nikki-likes which is a plus because i love those games, and the soundtrack feels very ambient-y and moody. definitely not as Funky as my favourite tracks from the creator, but in this particular setting it does its job extremely well. also, the puzzles themselves are fun, have a great concept behind them, and are interesting and satisfying to solve. overall, 10/10, i really went in the wall

you should probably fix the thing about red/green colourblindness making it hard to tell what's happening though. i'd understand it if you don't want to update the game at this point, but i don't think an alternate pallette mode swapping one of them for dark blue or white or something would be too difficult to do.

came back to do a little backwards run and noticed you mentioning that you originally inteded for that to be a thing but that it didn't make sense for the meaning of the game and. Huh. that's cool. i'm going to be thinking about the meaning of the pittsbourne box wall game for a million years now thank you

Deleted 58 days ago


Deleted 58 days ago
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i will never be the same again

literally spamton


It's quite difficult for red/green colorblind people to understand what's going on :/

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not really a review nor a playthrough, but I made a video. 

I was really hoping those locked tiles at the beginning of the game had some meaning.

Also very fun that you can finish the level in reverse :D some levels feel like entirely different puzzles when completed in the other direction.

Edit: I also made a small level if anyone wants to check it out :D


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i did originally intend to have you go backwards, but it didn't make sense for the meaning of the game so i cut it

thanks for playing though!



now that you said that I'm obligated to play through the entire game again until I find something x)


there's no secret content, i just had a very interesting idea come to me


haha, I did find something playing the game though!

Have you ever experienced the bug where replaying the game after beating it glitches the camera? Well, by remembering the layout of the levels, I was available to get the camera into some pretty weird positions. 

If the game ever gets an update, I'll be sure to check it out!


thanks for the support, didn't think people would care that much about this

new update, should fix the rare softlocks

my playthrough :)

Really neat little puzzler! Love the sprites for the lil fellas, love the reset button. Reminds me a bit of some parts of Patrick's Parabox!

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You made a nice puzzle game, but I'm not a big fan of the sprites.

Have you ever tried the game BLYM? It uses a similar idea. 

Nice work, I really like the puzzle ideas you have going on here, and clearly you're talented when it comes to visuals. There are a few clarity issues with the walls/paths that feel like that could be improved, but very cool stuff overall.

I don't blame you for wanting to move on from the game--both because I suspect you're interested in trying new things, and because the game is pretty well self-contained as it is, it doesn't need more content.  But it's very cool, and I hope you make more...well, not like it, but, you know, keep exploring. :-)


seems like something unintended- leaving a room and returning to it, then resetting it will only reset it to how it was when you last entered the room. so if you softlock yourself and leave, you can't undo your mistake and have to restart the game


i'm more focused on moving on from this game than continuously improving it, but this seems like an easy enough fix that i'll do it sometime

yup I softlocked too :(