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(1 edit)

i think there should be an option to remap which key is the button, for anyone with mouse problems (in my case, my mouse randomly double-clicking), but otherwise, cool game. here's how far i got in my first and second attempt (new lines added for spoiler reasons):

Checked this out after listening to some of your music.
-gameplay is smooth and very difficult
-tension in the music created a wicked atmosphere
-liquidy sound design is cool

After playing enough to the point my index finger hurts, I'd say that the game is pretty good.


I just checked my account after about a year because I was curious if inwall had received an update, and decided to play your other game (:

I'm pleasantly surprised with what I found as I'm not the biggest fan of platformer games, because I had a lot of fun!

It was frustrating but really rewarding. I was so close to making it on my first attempt too ): if only I would have known the ending was just a few checkpoints away, I might have tried harder :P

bye bye!


I'll keep this short, in part because I haven't finished the game, and in part because I don't want to go on too long of a tangent just singing your praises, but goddamn, I have a lot to say about this one. So. First off, let me just say: This is a banger of a game and I love it. You should play it if you haven't. Okay, that's the TL;DR. Long version, with a bit of spoilers:
is a short and simple work that uses the opportunities videogames have as a medium to their fullest potential in order to deliver an emotional and (dare I say) viscerally physical experience to the player. I can feel what this game is trying to say, and I don't need to put it in words because the way it forces the player to think and act speaks VOLUMES already. The OST and sound effects are awesome, and the soundtrack in particular serves the purpose of making the gameplay itself constantly escalate, while the sound effects are useful for the actual act of playing which is extremely important for the message the game is trying to deliver: reresignation is not an unfair game, but it is a very difficult one and the explicit artistic intention behind that difficulty is palpable.

Another banger, Insert One Of The Five Thousand Funny Names People Have For You Here.

If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go tell chlo she did an amazing job now. And also send this to all my friends and family members.


very cool, very awesome little game, with a deceptively simple yet really fun movement mechanic
music and audio design are both top notch as well, and the game never really got frustrating for me at any point despite the timer and rather sudden difficulty spike

plus its free, and with all of that together its just a wonderful package, which is why i made an itch acc to make this comment!

update: beat the game. thumbs up. would spend another 20 minute period getting there again


this game is so fun my best score is getting to the bullet section in the hard part

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm really happy with how this turned out
Thank you for dealing with me ^^ The game is wonderful and I'm glad to be a part of it

Deleted 58 days ago

Your music fits the game so well!!! I really like it!

Deleted 58 days ago